Revel Ultima Solon 2s w/ Pass Labs amps

Any one powering Solon 2 with Pass Labs amps?
I have Aleph 2 monos...enough power?
Oops, I just noticed a math error from an edit I did. 104db would only take 128W. Still, 107db isn't extraordinary at one meter in a large room, so the 300wpc recommendation is still valid.
I had 300 watts on the Salon 1 and found it needed more. I then switched to 700 watts and found it a better match. The room I had was a little large and I listened at a high volume (not ear bleeding).
You really need to pick up the phone and give Pass a call, they will be able to answer all of your questions without doubt. I think the XA-100.5 doesn't leave class "A" and go into A/B until a little over 100watts and no signs of clipping until 175 watts. Using most mfg.'s methods they could easily call them XA-175.5's.

I have a new pair of XA-100.5's on their way to me, should actually be here tomorrow-I can't wait!!

Anyway, give Pass a call, they'll take care of you. Good luck on your search.