How many of you are digital only systems?

I currently have an all digital setup, streaming and stored digital files and ripped CD’s on my Innuos Zen mkIII via Chord Qutest to a PrimaLuna EVO 400i. I have been contemplating adding analog to my system, like a Clearaudio concept table. I am NOT hear to debate which one is better, so please don’t turn it into that, I understand the differences. How many of you are digital only? If you listen to digital as well, please tell me why. Is it because of sonic qualities or just the nostalgic reasons of spinning vinyl. I just don’t know if I want a turntable because it would be new gear to play with or if I think it has sonic qualities that I am missing with digital. I would have to buy new vinyl as I really only have a few of my albums from when I was teenager in the 80’s. Maybe I should just put the money towards upgrading digital components, even though I love my Qutest/Zen combo, I could move up in their line?? Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital? Thanks for your thoughts 
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i remember i listened to a podcast recently where the guys (professional gear reviewers) were talking about how entry level turntables used to be better quality sound than entry level dacs and how that's no longer the case. their view was that in order to get top performance, clearly better than digital out of a turntable setup you need to spend $5k or something. perfectly valid opinion - these guys have probably forgotten about more equipment than i'll ever see - but i personally don't think that's true. there are a lot of younger people who've invested in a turntable setup to complement their spotify etc and clearly enjoy it - that's why there's so many new records now! whether it sounds "better" or "worse" is the listener's business, but i am personally an advocate for trying it out for oneself and then deciding. 

and a lot of people on this thread have already done exactly this, and decided to go digital. does a vinyl lover know more than them? are they more "connected" to the music? i doubt it. in my opinion the delivery system will never be more important than the music itself. people figure out what works best for them. it's all good. all i'm saying is it's not a big deal to give records a shot - you may love it. and if you don't, you'll know for sure. 
Went all digital in 1988 started with Sony CDP707esd player, Perreaux  2150 amplifier,
Infinity KS9 Speakers, and Audio Alchemy DTi Pro DAC.
Now I still use Sony CDP707esd, Aragon 8008BB amp, Martin Logan Theos Speakers, Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC, and Mac Book Pro,
My turntable is in the basement with a few hundred albums.  Same thing with my cassette deck and cassettes.  Though I love the sound of analog playback, I don’t have physical space for redundant playback systems.  the back of my mind, I intend to transfer the analog music to a hard drive.  But as digital quality and convenience improve, I have less need to do so.

I'm still playing CDs and SACD discs because I have a couple thousand and my Ayre does a great job with them.

I supplement that with a Lumin streamer and Quboz.

All digital here, too.  Moved to a HiFiBerry DAC2 HD (started with their +PRO) and running ROON on my NAS with FLAC files.  Not looking back.