My Last CD player

I like my vinyl but digital has its own set of benefits. When my last CD player fell of its perch, I move to streaming audio.  Overall, I have been happy with this decision.  I did notice that lately, a number of posters have been claiming that CD is “better” than streaming.  I figured that most of these were flat earthers. I recently had the opportunity to listen to a “new generation” CD player on a friends system.  I am not sure I would say it was better but it was different and in a very good way.  As I have an extensive CD collection, this set me off to evaluate a new CD player for my system .... at my age presumably the last I will own.  I have identified a few different used players that seem to check the short list boxes: Audio Research cd 7 SE, Ayon cd10 Signature II Ultimate, Ayon cd35 Signature I and Luxman 

D-06u.  I am auditioning the Ayon cd10 at home .... smooth, natural, musical, holographic image, but light on dynamics and soundstage. Anyone have experience with these players?  Any other suggestions?

are going to be choosing streaming over CDs

In a  blind test, I seriously doubt anyone can tell the dif from stramed vs cd player.
I have my classical cd collection complete, I am old school, I needa  physical element in front of me.
Besides I have  found a  incredible  JFET dual high tech opamps for my Jadis JS2 Mark2 DAC and sound incredible. 
I'm tube cd player vs stream.

I think CD is better than streaming

I'm glad you wrote this
My new discovery of some high tech dual opamps have really madea   very nice gain in sonics in my Jadis JS2 Mark2 DAC. 
I had 2 other high tech opamps, but this last purchase was the winner of the group.
I have Mundorf caps, tubes and now super high tech opamps in my DAC.
I prefer  tube cd player over  the lastest biz, stream. 
New is not always better. 
In 10 yrs our tube cd players will be worth gold, You watch.
They will be out of production and so become **rare* = high demand.
opportunity to listen to a “new generation” CD player on a friends system.  I am not sure I would say it was better but it was different and in a very good way.

yeah but wait til you swap out tubes, swap out caps for Mundorf's, and install new high tech JFET opamps, 
Now you have a hot rodded cd player that will amaze you.
"They will be out of production and so become **rare* = high demand"

When out of production that will = "white elephant"  It doesn't work the way you think with highend audio components. All to common a tale...sadly.

Which player did you purchase? Still auditioning?

Happy Listening!