Music for setting up speakers

Im setting up my 30yr old Martin Logan Sequel II’s. I followed some ML guidelines and it was pretty straight forward. They are 8’ apart and 8’ from me. I towed them in using a flashlight and beam reflection, it was pretty easy, same for the reflection to be sure one isnt tilted forward or backward more than the other.

I’ve been listening to some Tidal tracks and wondering what you listen to to confirm your setup is right for you.

I listened to some solo violin and cello, some folky vocals, some Led Zepp just because :0)

maybe music where instruments are easily located ect

In the book Get Better Sound, Jim Smith uses The Chieftains Tears of Stone. He cites specific passages and what the specific goal is for that passage. It's a long, tedious process most expensive audio equipment owners won't perform for various reasons, the main being that they don't trust their ears. It's easier to read reviews and throw money at the problem.

Jim also lists several hundred other well recorded/mastered CDs, a number of which he uses for his RoomPlay Reference sessions (a bargain and highly recommended). Interesting to note that very few of these CDs are audiophile releases.

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                     "...but he's accurate for initial setup."
    I've always done the same (whether in my own home, or a customer's) far as initial setup, but: there's no way Pink Noise and a mic can predict the reproduction of an accurate sound stage and image placement*, which is about what the OP seemed interested.

     Even if using the FFT and reverberation time measurements (time gating) as do some of the latest room correction programs and analyzers.

    *ONLY one's ears can detect that and there are way too many variables.