warmest speaker cables you've heard?

I'm looking for a short length of speaker cables, which i need to be as warm as possible..
Price wise, looking at USD700 and below for 1m length pair.

it'll be placed in between an Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp and a RAAL-requisite SR1a speaker adaptor box.
The SR1a is ruthless and clinical and I am looking to add as much warmth as I can. 

Assume the rest of the gear and interconnects have been decided/cannot be swapped out. So just left with the speaker cables to sort out.

I've been told the following are good candidates:
Kimber 8TC
Tellurium Q Black II
Tellurium Ultra Blue

Anything else I should be looking at?
If speaker cables color sound like a tone control, I would think you would have 4 or 5 different types of cable depending on the recordings you are listening to. Perhaps a brighter cable to get the most out of a very warm recording. Perhaps a warm cable to tame a bright recording. Or perhaps use a cheaper, neutral cable and tweak the tone control. 
I get it. A lot of people do not know that Straightwire makes the cables for several high end headphone brands. If anyone company can help its Straightwire. Call Straightwire direct in Florida to ask them what you need. It’s bot about how much money but how to get the sound. This is a puzzle they can solve. Good luck. The Puritan 136 is 90% of the 156. At $1600 it’s a steel. That is info for the future. I know your focus is on the cables right now. 
Before I started getting the silver bug, I truly enjoyed my Mogami and DNM copper cables.  Very reasonable and not harsh in my system.  
Cables are cables.  They do not make any sound cold or warm...

However, if you really want the warmest cables, use a 36 gauge or higher cable and pump about 300 watts thru it.  They will indeed get very warm :-)