So in spite of terrific testimony you asked for- actual experience- you are playing around with the advice of one who has no actual experience. Par for the course. Oh well.
Moving along... In the interest of helping others following along, here is why crossing over the mains is self-defeating and a bad idea.
The key to excellent low bass is lots of sources of low bass. To the extent they put out low bass this includes the mains. Also more different locations helps, and while subs are almost always very near walls the mains are almost always several feet out. So crossing them over eliminates two very beneficial bass sources. In a realm where numbers matter far more than anything else this is known as a own goal.
Frankly and with all due respect you have no way of saying you got from 90 to 95% for the simple reason you have no idea what 100% sounds like. For sure the one you are taking advice from has no idea, he has never done this.
Once again I am perplexed and vexed at one who specifically asks for one thing- "those who use a DBA"- then turns around and follows one who not only does not use a DBA, but talks down anyone who does. well, plenty of others willing to listen and learn. No point wasting any more time here.