Integrated/Power Amp for Vienna Acoustics Mahler

My current system consists of a Teac VRDS-25 CD player with a superclock used only as a transport (and a streamer) into a Weiss DAC 202. The Weiss feeds a BAT VK40 preamp modified with Mundorf SilverOil coupling caps. The powers amps are DIY Hypex Ncore NC400 based monoblocks feeding the Vienna Acoustics Mahlers speakers with upgraded crossover components. There is no analogue front end. I mainly listen to rock, progressive metal/symphonic metal and a little opera.

The system sounds good but I feel the highs are little harsh, perhaps even thin with perhaps a hint of sibilance which I think could be associated with the Class D amplification. I am therefore thinking of either upgrading the monoblocks or replace the preamp and the power amps with a quality integrated. Valves are out, the Mahlers while are relatively efficient, present a difficult load dropping to below 3 Ohms at some frequencies bellow 100Hz, IMO they need loads of current to drive them properly.

I am considering the following integrated amps:
  •  Gryphon Diablo ( the original, NOT the 3000) / Diablo120
  •  T+A PA3000HV
  •  ASR Emitter II (Exclusive) 
  •  Vitus RI-100
  •  Audio Flight FLS10 
  • Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary
  •  Audionet Watt?

Alternatively I keep the BAT preamp and I look for a power amp:
  •  Old secondhand Gryphon Antileon (perhaps Signature, not the EVO)
  •  Burmester 956 MKII
  •  Linnenberg Liszt
  •  Kinki Studio EX-P7

I am based in Europe, all of the above are within my budget (mostly secondhand), I could stretch my budget for something exceptional. Unfortunately there is no way I could audition any of it where I live so it is going to be a blind buy...
Anything else to consider? Any thoughts?


Benchmark AHB2 is a fantastic amp to use with Mahlers. I have this setup and it is the first amp that really controls the Eton woofers precisely. Previous amps were B&K Class A/B and ATI Class D (528NC) - also NCore. I too felt the Mahler high end was a bit sharp with my class D ATI amp. Perhaps there's more IMD byproduct with the ATI than the AHB2.
BTW, you mentioned upgraded xovers. Were those something offered by VA as a service item or an aftermarket kit?
Thank you. That was/is exactly my issue, the treble sometimes is too sharp, that is the reason I would like to try something else than Ncore. Before the Ncore I had the Nuforce Ref9seV3 which exhibited similar behaviour. I have read that some guys think the AHB2 is too analytical though it has excellent measurements. Perhaps that is what is needed with our speakers.

The upgraded xovers were not offered by VA nor were they part of a kit, I have analyzed the circuit and I replaced what I believe are key capacitors with Mundorf Silver/Oil ones that I had leftover from another project.

@gosta,please let me know your impressions when and if you try the X250.8 and the H30.

@greg_f  I am very pleased with AHB2. IMO, amplifier should be wire + gain. If you want even order harmonics, there's always EQ ;). I ended up buying two AHB2s. Have you tried the tweeter attenuation switch on the Mahler? How about room treatments? Both may be cheaper than buying a new amp...