New Raven Audio CeLest Monitor coming this fall.

I spent over an hour on the phone with my friend James Connell just talking audio stuff and about life in general. If you ever get a chance to get Jame, Bryant or Raven Dave on the phone they are fascinating people and have accomplished such amazing things in the face of adversity and a pandemic.

SoI called to thank James for fixing up a Blackhawk 3.1 I bought on the used market that had some issues from the previous owner. We got to talking about the CeLest towers that I own and James dropped that they are coming out with a CeLest 2Way Monitor and it will be available in the late summer/early fall.
I told James I was really interested and would love to get pair to send to my son at Norte Dame (PHD Candidate). He said I will do you one better. He is going to send the prototype CeLest Monitor to live with me for a couple of weeks to review. How cool is that?

He asked me to run it through the full gambit of gear I have and share the result, well here.

So I should have them in a few weeks when I come in off my Central American Tour.

More to come.