Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?
These companies that claim double wattage when impedence is halved don't give the actual 8ohm measurement, which is usually a lot higher wattage than their spec sheet has listed.
These companies that claim double wattage when impedence is halved don’t give the actual 8ohm measurement

Usually if they don’t, they are hiding something. Stereophile does for Class-D if you read the Lab Tests on them and that’s usually is in the negative.
But even Stereophile doesn’t usually do 2ohm testing on Class-D’s as they are usually pitiful, when compared to the good linear solid BJT state amps for putting out big (doubling watts) current.

Cheers George
Even the big high bias amps built with BJT's can't do it. When stereophile measures them their 8ohm full power measurements are a lot higher than the spec.
I don't think there is an amp made that can direct drive the apogee full range, the midrange when direct driven is .14 ohms
Even the big high bias amps built with BJT's can't do it.

Oh dear🤦‍♂️, to say that an amp doubles, is just a "saying", maybe it should read "close to doubling", but hey, I didn't make up the saying.

No! amp can  perfectly double it wattage from 8  to 4 to 2 ohms, that would be a furphy, and would be like saying perpetual motion is a reality.