Vandersteen 2Wq crossover

I'm looking for a fairly inexpensive crossover for a 2Wq. I just bought one used, but it did not have the introductory crossover, the WX-2, nor the X-2 included. I have a Moscode 600 amp that is probably an inpedance of around 50K, although I'm checking with George Kaye on that.
Any advice on something around $100 bucks?
The main speakers are Vandersteen 2CE's.
Congrats. The X-2 crossovers are pretty good, and very high value. The real magic, though, is the 2Wq. IMHO, this sub may be the most underrated product in all of the high end. I like my pair so much that when I upgraded from my Vandy 1Cs, I made it a requirement that whatever speaker I chose had to work with the 2Wq subs. The bass is deep, fast, clean and smooth from octave-to-octave. They blend seemlessly with my Ohm Walsh 2000s. For sure, the lower crossover point will not be an issue with your 2CEs.

Remember that every bit of music in your system goes through those X-2s. I used my X-2s for a few years, and recently picked up a pair of the Vandersteen MHP-5 active high-pass filters. My system has taken another step up the performance ladder, with even smoother sound, more detail, better note trails, and an expanded, more stable sound stage. I got them used for $450 through Audiogon, and I could not be happier. I did have to have the batteries professionally changed, however, at an additional cost.

Although I still need to address some ancillary issues in my system (ICs, power cords, speaker cables, etc.), I feel as if I am getting to the point where I will have little desire for major upgrades unless I win the lottery.

If you'd ever like to come to New Jersey and hear my rig, you're welcome. Send me an email.

I have heard the newer Moscode amps, and if your 600 is at all similar to what I have heard, then I would think your system must kick butt as it is. Enjoy!
Hi. This thread is interesting because I just bought a 2wq without any WX-2 or X-2. I have been wondering what people listen for when deciding the optimum impedance for the crossover... does the impedance value only change the crossover point, or are there other sonic issues with different impedances. Ideally I would love to find and MHP-5 but they seem difficult to find. If I had someone make a high-pass filter with very high quality caps, could I just pick a value based on the impedance of my CJ MV-60 (100k), and maybe peg the caps at a lower value like 50k or 75k range? My mains are Snell Type A's which should be flat to 35 or so. I would actually prefer a lowerer cross point than 80 hz.
Thanks for thoughts!
you wont know what u
r 2 prefer untill get the assessement box and do the assesment
best johnnyr
Montaldo - The MHP-5s are adjustable, so if you can buy one, new or used, you kill two birds with one stone. Barring that, ask around for local 2Wq owners or Vandy dealers and see if you can borrow a WX-2. The dealer should do it since you will order your X-2 from him once you pick the value you want.

I suppose a first order high-pass filter of any origin would work, but the elbow must be at 80Hz, since the amp in the 2Wq has a corresponding rise below 80Hz. If the high pass filter does not match, you will get a net response hump in the 50-80 Hz range.
Thanks, Bondmanp. I ended up finding a pair of M5-HPs. Now my problem is the crossover points don't match (sub at 80, M5-HP at 100hz) and there is a huge hole in the midbass. The M5-HPs are adjustable for amp input impedance, but can the crossover point be adjusted too? Maybe I have to get Vandersteen to put different caps in them?