What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
Well I have to say it's two wants and one arrived (delivered by the good people at Music Direct) a few days ago was my what I am calling my last SACD/CD player that is replacing a Yamaha CD-S2100 SACD/CD player that I purchased six seven months earlier (anyone interested in a mint SACD? CD player?) and for GR Research to finalize an update kit for the ATC SCM19v2' that I'm interested in.  And then I hope I'm done updating , upgrading stuff and just sit down and just listen to music. 
My one want would be to hear an altec lansing a1x play my favorite recordings in a location that is good for sound using those speakers.

I too am waiting for GR Research to rebuild the XOs for my Tannoys.
Once I have those done and the new clock upgrade for my DAC
I am sure I will have achieved bliss!!
Passive volume control. 
Maybe getting rid of the preamp will help.  Maybe not.
Best system ever heard.
Maybe a Jung super-regulator. .
Tough call.