First full review of the Verdant Blackthorns in Enjoy the Music

So....I am pretty excited.  Verdant just received it's first review of the Blackthorns, our flagship speaker and I am pretty excited.  It is rare to have someone say such nice things about something you created so I thought I would share with you guys as this is pretty exciting for me.

The Shoestring Audiophile (who is a great guy and has a great BLOG for value oriented consumers) reviewed my Nightshades more than a year ago but this is sort of next level as it is in one of the more noteworthy publications and Michael is a Music Professor.   Hope you guys enjoy.  
excellent reply scott

thank you and good luck on the launch of your flagship product!

next time i get the itch to try a new speaker .... :)
Please excuse my misunderstanding. I always wish the best for new designers starting out because I think that they often have fresher perspectives and approaches to design.
I spoke out of turn because the comments at the end of the review gave a confusing impression.
I hope that you have great success going forward. The speakers are certainly beautiful.
@roxy54 no worries.  I clarify in case someone was scanning this thread.  
Thank you all for the kind wishes