Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I like your approach- a simple system works for me as well.

Some of those Panamax models does steal current from One's system.
Remove the conditioner for an A/B comparison. Then, you can tell if the product is a benefit. Not all line/power conditioners work as advertised.

Happy Listening!
Hi guys - an update from the hotrod garage. Recently I was lent a pair of CS2.4s for experimentation. Initial auditioning was disappointing, but it turned out that one coax was dead and the other rubbing. Rob rebuilt them, and yesterday I reinstalled and listened with John Pries in his fairly good room with fairly modest equipment. The room is decently proportioned, but has full glass on both short walls. Speakers are centered on the long wall with listening position about 8’ back and 3’ from the back wall, with an open door to the attic stair. Not bad. The source is Tidal hi-def to a Prima Luna 100 integrated @ 40w/channel and bluejeansish cable.

John had started with Klipsch (copper skinned) monitors, then 1.6s, which is what we compared with the 2.4s. The 2.4s are stock @3729-30, mid run with unmarked caps, decently wound coils on glass boards. Tidy work and better looking than Beetlemania’s later Chinese units. All the caps with design and early implementation as PolyPropylenes (Solen) were here executed as PolyEster (MKT), and the coils were not as tight as original, both a step down.

Impressions included lack of bass control and considerable bloom (small tube amp) and a slight upper midrange scoop. Otherwise, the detail, harmonic structure and resolution skunked the 1.6s. The treble was delightful. From out in the garden two stories down his wife Barbara announced "that’s a lot better, more realistic". I was surprised at the improvement over the 1.6s, which I had thought held their own pretty well.
We know from Beetlemania’s and a couple others’ work that there is room for improvement. First pass will be some physical things like my (for now) proprietary wire, thermal management, laminar launch baffle treatment and non-ferrous fasteners. These changes can be made without my listening lab, which has not yet re-materialized. I'll wait for XO work until I have some measuring capability around me.

I am pleased and grateful to have these gems for an extended time, to develop and refine some upgrade mechanisms.

Enjoy the music.
Tom Thiel,

Glad to hear that your moving along with speaker model updates.

I have seen written the word thermal many time on these pages.
In forty plus years in audio of all types I may have seen 1 distraught resistor..What is your experience with and reasoning with the thermal in a loudspeaker. Would you advise running 2 resistors in parallel to maintain even more thermal headroom? 

Does your baffle laminar treatment 
Increase laminar surface flow or disperse laminar flow? 
I treat many surfaces in my system and room with a paint that has no added metals but I do add my own so as to reduce air boundary adhesion when playing music.
I use the same treatment for an active laminar flow device I engage when the music is on.

Can you invision an application for you and your friend to make a freestanding device that offers an enhancement for laminar flow?
