Downside of sensitivity?

I'm new to world of audio, and still puzzling out a number of things. One question in particular that I have concerns speaker senstivity. It seems as though higher sensitivity is a positive, i.e. it allows one to use lower-power amplifiers, sound is more relaxed, generally more flexible with equipment. Yet there seem to be a large number of quality speakers with lowish sensitivity. Given that speaker design seems to be an exercise in compromise (short of the cost-is-no-object level), what qualities does one give up with higher-sensitivity (say, > 91db)? Conversely, what qualities does the speaker designer gain with a less sensitive design(86-87 db)? I've quickly learned that there are no absolutes when it comes to audio equipment, but any thoughts as to the trade-offs in general? Tks.
Thanks all for the great responses. In poking around on the internet, I came across the following which I thought was interesting:
I'm new to world of audio, and still puzzling out a number of things. One question in particular that I have concerns speaker senstivity. It seems as though higher sensitivity is a positive, i.e. it allows one to use lower-power amplifiers, sound is more relaxed, generally more flexible with equipment. Yet there seem to be a large number of quality speakers with lowish sensitivity. Given that speaker design seems to be an exercise in compromise (short of the cost-is-no-object level), what qualities does one give up with higher-sensitivity (say, > 91db)? Conversely, what qualities does the speaker designer gain with a less sensitive design(86-87 db)? I've quickly learned that there are no absolutes when it comes to audio equipment, but any thoughts as to the trade-offs in general? Tks.john_adams_sunnyvale05-21-2006 1:44p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey John
Yep, you got it. 

Everything you wrote still 15 years !!!! later still remains a  ~~puzzle~~~ and will remain a  complete mystery for at least another decade to come. 

These very ,,seemingly,,simply truths  about higher sens as superior design, just has not caught on yet, some 15 years after your OP.

1,543 posts05-21-2006 4:49pmThere are many factors that influence the final sound character of speakers, not just sensitivity

Sensitivity is the most important spec to consider and separates the xover design from the wide band design.
2 completely different voicings in the midrange section.

Thus overall presentation, = soundstage in each are quite different. 
whart2,220 posts05-21-2006 6:00pmOne of the drawbacks of having an extremely sensitive speaker system, eg 103db @ 1metre, is that everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING, can be heard

Well most wide band are not over 100db sens. So its not really so much a  issue. 
But in CM its a very good thing to have the higher sens of 91db+++. 
There are countless subtle passages of harps, flutes and even cello sections which get completely ignored from 90db> xover designs. 
Horns yes, go over 100db, but I'm not so interested in horns. 

29 posts
05-21-2006 6:55pm
The downside of high sensitivity speakers had been that there were so few models available which were of high quality and low coloration.Over the last 5 years or so that has changed greatly.As you may be aware,there is something of a renaissance underway in older audio reproduction technologies,vinyl e.g..High sensitivity speakers have benefitted and there is a growing pool of high quality offerings out there.In fact many would argue that in terms of the assault on ultimate audio reproduction,high sensitivity designs lead the way.Dynamics are the key to lifelike reproduction and dynamics is what high semsitivity/efficiency designs are all about.
In general,high sensitivity designs are going to sound more lively,engaging and alive than lowish ones with complex crossovers.


Only 29 posts, this guy is  Top Dawg audiophile. 
clfcarney is posting these incredible insights in the future of things, right at the very initial pgase of the new high tech wide band designs. 
carney was on the cutting edge of what , he thought might take place in the near future,,but seems he was off by some 20 years. 
The move away from xovers has not really begun yet. 
Folks are still pondering what these things are, how they voice music, wide band still remains shrouded ina  fog of mystery.
Will remain this way another 10 years. 
Flat earthers take a  while to come around. 
Wow, someone chisel Carney's post in stone, place it  at Audiogon's opening page.