Power cable choice, does it matter for subs?

Should replacing the PC on a subwoofer make a difference you could notice?

I just discovered I had accidentally installed an18ga cord on one of my subs. It was the most power hungry of the bunch and I feel bad about starving it. I did install a stock type 14ga I found in house and it did seem to tighten it up a bit but that could be my imagination. 

In your experience, any thoughts on if going to a better/higher gauge cord on subs would or should make much difference?

Long time ago owned REL Stentor subs and yes a better ac cord made a significant improvement in sq. 
I believe I hear an improvement using 12 gauge aftermarket power cords on my REL subwoofers (two pairs used in two different systems). You don't have to break the bank just using $150 or less upgraded power cords.
If you want to HEAR the difference between cables - try listening to Church organ music
  • it contains the "textures" that most bass lines in music lacks
If you want to SEE the difference between cables - take a video while playing church organ music and then play it back in "slo-mo"
  • the difference is quite visible
  • it also shows just how good the cables and the amp in the sub really is
  • things will change with a better power cable
HiFi Speaker Movement in Slow Motion - YouTube

It will also show you the distortions the cone goes through
- the better the amp and power cable, the less distorted the movement becomes

Subs draw a significant amount of "instantaneous" energy and a quality power cable can better handle that demand.

Trouble is which one do you buy? - because not all power cables are "equal"

  1. Money no object - InaKustik - amazing products
  2. Nordost has a decent lineup - from affordable to astronomical
  3. KLE Innovaitons - are affordable and very good
If you are "handy" - a great DIY solution is the Helix IMAGE "Air’

If you are concerned about the price of this DIY solution
  • use a more affordable wire
  • the Geometry of this cable provides most of the benefits

But then again - if YOU can’t HEAR it - why bother?

I trust my ears, but I do love my cables :-)

Hope that helps - Steve
Thank you Steve for the great video very interesting.
Right now I have four subwoofers plugged into a Hubble outlet. I am using a cheap three-way Splitter, and should probably ditch that soon.

 I may look into running a dedicated line as the four subs draw considerable current when playing at higher levels. it’s close to the mains box so should be easy enough. I know the existing 1930 era line to be original, and is not grounded in any event. The install of the Hubble outlet was a stopgap measure last year, at that time I was pretty astonished at how ugly old wiring can be. 
If my house had 1930’s wiring - I would invest in getting the whole house upgraded before doing anything else..

Your could then get the electrician to install some dedicated lines for the system

Todays electronics draw lots more power than the plug-in radios of the 1930’s

You would probably notice an improvement in the sound just from that upgrade
