Thiel 1.5 vs. 1.6, any experience?

I have owned much of the very best in audio, CJ ART etc., but am in a financial rebuilding phase and starting a modest system.

I owned the Thiel 1.5 at one time and enjoyed them. I am thinking of them for this new small system but would like to learn of any experience you have with them vs. the 1.6 (which I have never heard).

Very different speakers as Timrhu states.
The porting is different, the tonal balance is, much more natural...more of a modern day version of THIEL's house sound.
The bass, for me was the big improvement...midbass...heck its better in every way, AND resolves better.
If you like THIEL's house sound, you'll find them to be a much better product.

Mated with tubes, they're wonderful.
I have had the 1.5's for about 12 years now and like all Thiel speakers they tend to sound bright. I have gradually worked my way over to using an all tube system, which now sounds just right to me, with plenty of detail, bass and midrange. I have auditioned the 1.6's several times with some expensive equipment and just never been super impressed with the speaker to justify spending more money. For one thing the 1.5's have more bass and go down to 38 hertz verses the 50 hertz for the 1.6 speakers.

I suggest you talk to Gary w/Thiel Audio to give you his insights of the speaker. The Thiel speakers I have heard that sounded substantially better than the 1.5's are the 2.4 speakers. But in the small room I have them in that large of speaker does not fit.

Good Luck in your decision.
I respectfully and reluctantly disagree with the 'bass assessment'.
The 1.5 may have had 'claimed bass' to 38...(very doubtful, oh, there but WAAAAY DOWN)...
The 1.6, and I compared them, had much more tonal and realistic bass in that region to my ears, and IMHO.

Sometimes the stated specs can influence what we hear, sad but true.

Read all of the continuing stellar reviews, then audition. They are absolutely remarkable. Driving (at this time) with Prima Luna Pre & Power amp, Oppo 84 SE, & Peachtree Dac for playback with Macbook, Nordost interconnects and Blue Jeans speaker cable.