$$$Sensitive Speakers with $$Amps?

I've read a recent thread, and a Six Moons review for recommending certain amps who's price tag falls short of the subject loudspeakers. For example, Red Wine Audio 15 with Rethm Maarga speakers.

My area of focus is with sensitive speakers being driven by low-watt amps. Are there really super values out there for these type of amplifiers, or do the typical spending rules apply?
My area of focus is with sensitive speakers being driven by low-watt amps. Are there really super values out there for these type of amplifiers, or do the typical spending rules apply?kennythekey

Well there area  few issues with SET amps,
They are not my cup of tea. 
But I LOVE if not ADORE high sens speakers.
 When my high sens speakers are ordered next month, my plans are to set up 3 amplifiers.
KT88 100 watter
EL34/35ish watter
SET 250 tube, not sure the wattage,  maybe 25ish. 
My bet is the  EL34/Dynaco Mark4 DIY amp will come out by a slim margin as the winner.
IMHO The EL34 may just be the most perfect tube for high sens speakers. 
We will see.
Will the 100 watt  KT88 work out? 
Ancedotally I've been told, yes it will be acceptable.
spatial presentation which won me over. Not as haunting, but intimate, open, and refreshing, were the Voxativ Ampeggios I heard in Montreal 2011.

I keep running across good things said of the Voxativ, 
My comments on their performance will be straight up. 
The good and the bad. 
Stay tuned.