Lack of popularity of Chord???

Hello.  I’m wondering if anyone knows why Chord products are so rarely discussed on this forum.  I own and love a Chord Dave DAC/headphone amp, and I’ve considered including a Chord amp to go with the Dave, but I’m wary of this choice because Chord seems so unpopular on this forum.  Not that it is a popularity contest per se.  But is there something I don’t know about Chord products in a full size system?  I t would drive Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers. I’d be grateful for any and all feedback.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjeankunin
I am sure the Chord Dave will drive those Sonetto’s quit fine.

who cares what folks here think?

If you like the Dave Sonetto combo that is all that matters.

When I went to listen to the speakers I now have they were hooked to a top tier Chord amp. Nice. Then switched over to the Chord 3350 integrated. Nice! 
Had my integrated with me. While it was no slouch the shortfalls were quite evident.
if I had the wherewithal my amp would be a Chord 3350.
Please contact us we sold chord amps for years 
Dave and troy
Audio intellect nj