Seeking lower cost alternatives to Berkeley Audio Design Alpha USB converter

I am looking for a USB to optical audio converter.
The Alpha USB from Berkeley Audio Design is an external asynchronous USB to S/PDIF (or AES) interface. It's strictly a D to D converter accepting USB digital audio input and delivering digital audio output.
That's the type of product I'm looking for. However, at $1,895 the Berkeley Alpha USB is far more expensive than most similar products I've seen. Some of these products sell for less than $100.

I'm on a budget. Can anyone recommend one of the lower priced alternatives to the Alpha USB from Berkeley Audio Design?
@mgrif104 I was looking at the Schiit Eitr. You are right -- that's the functionality I'm after. However, this review turned me off to that product:
It says

> The Topping D10 performs the same function at less than half the price.  The D10 has the same noise profile as the Schiit Eitr but is free of its power supply induced jitter around our main tone.
I looked at the D10s, which is about $110, but I was hoping to find something without the DAC functionality so I can get the best USB to optical components for my money without spending for functionality I don't need.

> the Singxer SU-6 looks to be of good quality and is quite a bit cheaper than the Berkeley at $690.  

Yes, that looks like an interesting choice.
From your tip, I also found: 

- GUSTARD U16 around $300 
- Singxer SU-2 around $430 
- Singxer SU-1 (used) around $225 
- MATRIX Audio X-SPDIF 2 around $440 
Anyone know of others I should consider? Is there any clear winner among these?

I'll be search for reviews myself while waiting for any replies.
The Matrix X-SPDIF 2 does an amazing job. I used it to convert the usb from my desktop prior to the DAC. Worked seamlessly, many connection options and sounded amazing.  There are some measurements of this unit on the web that show it to perform very well in this application.