Complimentary 2nd Cartridge/Tonearm for Dr. Feickert Blackbird

My main cartridge/tonearm is a Soundsmith Hyperion/Kuzma 4-Point into a Pass Labs XP-27. Want the 2nd cartridge and tonearm to be a totally different sound - probably leaning to the warm/colored/lush side. Tonearm will likely be Schick 9” (left armboard limits the length I can utilize.). Want to do the 2nd cart on a budget (< $2,000) since I shot my load on everything else.
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Miyajima Shilabe or Kansui for ’12 inch Schick will be completely different and on the warm side.
Maybe you have the Schick 9" already? If so bear in mind the 9" Schick is medium mass not high mass...when matching carts.
If not, consider an FR64S as the basis for the cart search. Seems perfect for your goals.
Schick “12 inch designed for SPU (~32g with its shell) and Denon 103 series. Both very low compliance, just use the heaviest possible headshell with Shick for Miyajima (or any low compliance cartridges.

But “9 inch Schick is lighter indeed, you’d better but longer and heavier Schick tonearm. As you said you can’t use longer than “9 inch Schick :( 

Fidelity-Research is definitely better than Schick, FR 64fx almost always available in better condition than older 64s. I use both. Great tonearms!