100 watts enough?

Hi all.  I'm contemplating purchasing a CH Precision A1 and I don't know if it will drive my speakers adequately.  I have EgglestonWorks Andra III speakers which are 88db efficient (impedance 8 ohms nominal, 6 ohms minimal).  I have a 30x20ft  room and I sit about 14ft from the speakers.  I live in a condo and have almost nothing between me and my neighbor so I don't ever crank up the volume.  I use a VAC Renaissance preamp that I almost never crank past 9 o'clock.  The Andra III is a speaker that likes lots of power to open up.  So what do you think?
it is of course in the eye of the beholder, but i have considered the following over time as reasonable descriptions

below 86 db / w / m -- inefficient
87-89 db -- moderately efficient
90-92 db -- efficient
93 db and up -- very efficient

impedance and nature of reactivity of the speaker load figures in too ( eg -- an 'efficient' load of 90 db at 3.5 ohms impedance still may not be easy for certain amps to drive)... but based on the simple measure of db/w/m above that is a simplistic and proper ranging imo
No one has posted the combined impedance/-phase graph on these, so here it is. Even the EPDR loading will be easy.

As you can see easy load, even tubes from the 4ohm tap will sound great into them.

Cheers George
CH Precision is nice smooth sound but if it clips it will like an Adcom lol. Since you in market for new amp look for something like 300 watts and doubles down from there & stable into 2 ohms. 

Or you can get new more efficient speakers! ☺️
You will have plenty of power but it sounds like you will not be able to use much of it anyway sorry but a condo situation is very hard to deal with.
I'm wondering if you are being over cautious regarding the volume. A little louder could be acceptable depending on the construction material used between you and your neighbor.

I'm in a similar situation (13x40ft) and I've found a good test is to check the volume at the distant end of the room.