Stacking gear no more rack space does it affect sound quality

I've run out of room for my gear. Since I started streaming i have run out of rack space and began stacking. I bought some of those brass disc long ago for putting on top of components for damping and was told by seller not to use to many it will dull sound. Now I have my preamp power supply on top of preamp and dac power supply and dac on top of preamp power supply 3 high. Streamer on top of phono stage. I have another dac on top of streamer. I have 3 racks 2 shelves each between speakers, total six shelves. Do other people do this and does it affect sonics. I don't even have room to take things off to try without stacking, to much crap plugged in.
I agree with rodman EMI/RFI and ebm. I do have a couple items stacked, but not more than 2 high for sure. Heat is a problem for electronics reliability, try to keep them cool.
I would be most concerned about heat dissipation of the unit having another one stacked on it.
By the way, Michael Percy Audio (whose website @rodman99999 posted above) is a great source for a lot of hi-fi accessories.
Yes @troidelover, 
I quite agree.

Stacking gear directly on other gear can lead to heat buildups. 
May also invalidate guarantees as many manufacturers advise not to stack.
So, I recommend not stacking power amps particularly as either they will heat items above or you put them on top where their weight may be deleterious to items below or the stack may become unstable.