Paradigm or JL subwoofer

I am making changes to my 5.1.4 system. I use it for home theater and listening to music.
I have a Paradigm SW 1000 Prestige sub. It was suggested to me that if I am upgrading my system I should have two subs. I listened to two JL Fathom f112v2 subs. The sound was great. They would cost probably $9000. As I already have the Paradigm SW1000 sub, I am thinking of just adding another one for $3000 and saving $6000 that I could use for better electronics such as a Lumin T2 streamer. Would two Paradigm 12 inch subs be a major drop-off in sound quality compared to the JL's. Thanks

@james633 I will have to look up highness crossover. Thanks for sharing your experience with JL 

I just noticed you are using a home theater receiver/processor. You can just do this function inside your processor. If you ever go to a two channel preamp/amp you will need an external crossover to do the same thing. 
A highpass crossover will let you cut the lows out of your mains and just send them to the sub. You can then use a higher crossover on the subs because the sound will not overlap. I personally use 60hz but it will very from 40-80 depending on speaker. I find the average sized floor stander crosses over well at 60hz.
This will not only improve the bass but take a lot of the vibration out of your speakers which will clean up their sound. It will also take stress off your main amp and let it do it’s thing. Really it is a full system upgrade and I am always amazed more people don’t use them.
For me it's JL all the way, sounds better and goes deeper. Also look at the resale value of Paradigm, not good. You can do your own reduction of the low frequencies from your main speakers if you want. You will feel the JL's!
@fiesta75 That's what I was told in a showroom, that the JL's go way deeper than the Paradigm. The problem for me is I can only spend so much. My Paradigm cost $3000 plus tax, I put it up for sale on Craigs List and no bites. The JL's cost at least $9000. I know what you mean about feeling the JL's
I have the JL 110, my room being too small for the 112's, they sound amazing compare to my old Velodynes. I highly recommend them. But Paradigm makes a decent speaker, so if it's a choice between going with the JL's for 9K, or another Paradigm and a nice upgraded streamer, I'd personally go with the latter. You'll still get a big improvement with two subs, and you'll enjoy two improvements for a long time to come. And when you get the itch to upgrade again, there'll still be JL's new and used around. Hope this helps a bit.