mbl - is there a problem?

For a while now I've been planning on purchasing the new Magnepan 20.7's when they become available.
However I've always been intrigued by the idea of the MBL's - partly because they are so pretty and partly because it would be nice to have a speaker with a larger sweet spot.(I've owned and listened to Maggies for about 35 years but have never had the opportunity to hear the MBL's)
Since I've already purchased mongo electronics to power my new Maggies I think they would likely also power the MBL's.
And with the new discounts on the MBL's, they become more price competitive with the Maggies.
So I was thinking of flying somewhere to actually hear the MBL's.
But the website for MBL was disconcerting. Partly is is because the discounts are so large. Partly it is because they say that and warranty work now has to be arranged from Germany. As an experiment I tried to see what to do if I had an MBL speaker that needed to work and what would I do and I did not find an easy answer.
I have a fear of purchasing an expensive set of speakers and being unable to fix a problem.
From everything I've read on Audiogon these seem like wonderful speakers and maybe I should buy a cheap airplane ticket to where I can hear them. But I worry about the service. Maybe I'm just better off purchasing speakers from Magnepan - this company must be so succesful that even if the whole town was destroyed by a large meteor somebody else would pick it up.
Does anybody know if MBL is a safe speaker to purchase?
Mvp, Dev's last response illustrates your point.
Wonder why he doesn't post pix of his system?
It would improve his credibility.

Dev, great system. Love to see it.
Khrys, so I need to post pictures to improve my credibility, are you for real?

I'm not shocked with your round about reply above because we have crossed paths in disagreement before.

The thread isn't about my system, why again do you and others seem to have issues with reading and not staying on topic by being constructive and replying to the the OP's posting, pretty simple unless you have a hidden adgenda?
You know...without wanting to become embroiled in sophomoric nonsense....a few years ago we had this kind of contentious attitude and posts...it became tiresome, so I went away.
We all have different opinions. Why is that a formula for something beyond civil debate?
Personal attacks and vitriolic responses are uncalled for...I know, because I've been incited to do that at times.
Let's just try to stay on topic and not be confrontational.

Peace Dev. I'd just really like to see pictures of your system which seems absolutely top drawer.

Only heard MBL 101Es with MBL electronics in a suboptimal setup but could tell they were pretty special.

I'd love to hear them with the VAC Sig Mk2a pre and Statement 450 Monos that Dev runs.

The big Maggies are hard to beat but if you can get a great deal out of MBL's conundrum, I'd go for it.
My only difficult service issue with a speaker, in over 40 years at this, was a blown tweeter for a pair of Leak 2075's ( just a wonderful sounding speaker ). I owned them for years ( along with other speakers at that time ), and had difficulty finding a replacement. After finally obtaining the tweeter replacement, I wound up selling them , but , regret doing so, because they were wonderful to listen to. I know there are threads on this subject ( products we sold and regret selling ), so I am sorry for bringing that up. I know several people with MBL speakers and never a service issue. With the correct space / setup and equipment, they are wonderful to listen to. I would not purchase them without a listen first, and would highly determine if they would work in the listening environment...........Mr. D.