Speakers for Sophia Baby available in Italy ?

I am looking for some high efficiency small speakers that would be a good match for my 10 watt Sophia Electric Baby amplifier. My room is small and listening levels would be low. These speakers need to be available for purchase in Italy. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Any of the Zingali waveguide (basically, horn loaded) speakers would probably work well.
Tekton speakers by Eric Alexander, sends his speakers worldwide, sounds great with Sophia Baby, fabulous in small rooms. For a good idea on Tektons read the forum thread on Zu/Tekton. It's about the Lore speaker, but it will give you an idea of how/what the smaller speakers like my 4.5s sound like as their are many family qualities in Eric's build. I also own the Lore speakers. I have used both speakers with these amps, some are swaps with family or friends: Sophia Baby, Almarro 205a, Jolida Fx10, Primaluna Dialogue 1, Cary SEI 300b, Cary V12 and Fi 2a3.