Sony SCD-1 owners - I/C and PC recommendations?

Hello, will soon take delivery of an SCD-1.
Have previously enjoyed the combo of Kimber Palladian PK-14 and Audioquest Cheetah DBS on my Esoteric DV-50s, would welcome recommendations and experiences from current & past SCD-1 owners on what they liked best.
Thanks !
On my SCD-1 I use a PS Audio Xtreme Statement power cord and for interconnects I use Audioquest Anacondas and have been pleased with the performance of both. I have not done or felt the need to do any experimenting with either cable.

I am happy with Audioquest Amazon (silver) interconnects. They replaced Audioquest Diamond x3s (also silver). (Both are out of production but sometimes available used.) The Diamonds were fast and a little bright on the highs. The Amazons are clear, coherent, and dynamic. I preferred the Amazons, especially with the SCD-1's very neutral and detailed presentation. The combination seems more lively and realistic. I am using a Tice PC-2 power cord, and I have not distinguished any meaningful improvement over Sony's stock cord in my installation.
I have the SCD-777ES, except for the balanced option, electronically the twin of the SCD-1, and after much, much experimentation, settled on Chris VanHaus' Flavor 1 for the PC and his fine silver ICs with Eichmann silver RCAs. The PC had less effect than using a BPT balanced AC line conditioner (I think it is a model 2.5 (???)). In my system, the BPT provided a significant improvement on the music.

BTW: to take the unit to an entirely different level of performance, I highly recommend you consider the VSE level 5 mod---he has another mod, the 5+, that I have not heard, but the 5 allows me to suspend my preference for vinyl when I'm listening to SACDs. There are several reviews of the level 5 on Audio Asylum that provide insight into the mod.
Doesn't it seem a shame to mod such an iconic CD/SACD player? And is anyone really surprised that changing the power cord on a $5,000 unit has no effect? Wouldn't you have expected Sony to supply an adequate power cord?

I am looking for an SCD-1. Wonder if James beat me to the one recently listed on Audiogon?
