Magnepan 1.7 -- or VMPS RM-30

I am at the crossroad of choosing between Magnepan 1.7 and VMPS RM-30, and not sure which one should I go with. I would like to hear your opinions on the sound and preference between those two and why. Both sound good to me when I have audited at different locations.

My electronics consists of Classe CAM-200 mono amp, Conrad Johnson PV-10, and Lexicon RT-10 CD player.
I run VMPS FF3 SRE speakers with Classe amps, Lexicon RT10 and a tube pre. I owned Magepan aswell as Innersound Electrostats. VMPS for me gave me way better bass that combined the best of dynamics with Planars. I have had my VMPS for 6yrs now with no upgrade plans.
Chadnliz, what Magnepan model did you have? Do you use subwoofer(s) with the maggies?