doogiehowser " I see you have been here a long time. Perhaps too long and have been brainwashed to accept anecdotal reports and poorly implemented experiments as fact."
No I conduct my own research, experiments, and explorations you do not know who you are talking to hear you might want to read some of my prior posts.
"We obviously have a different definition of the word fact"
No there is only one definition of the word fact it is true it is immutable it is not open to debate and you will have to accept it (or look very silly in the process!!)
"but feel free to keep using yours"
I do not need your approval, permission, or acceptance to post here no one does this group is governed by moderators
"I would highly encourage you to research the vast amount of facts (real facts) regarding localization of low frequencies."
I encourage you to do your own research on this topic it is so easy to prove that 100 hz bass is localizeable.