Anyone hear the Class D Audio Mini GaN 5 amp yet?

Looks intriguing but not much out there on it yet so wondering if anyone here has had a chance to hear it or, even better, had a chance to compare it to other amps. Thinking of taking a flier on this amp given the tech and price, but we all know implementation is everything so looking for some real-world impressions before ponying up any dough. Also, please let’s not make this yet another measurement debate — I’m purely interested in sonic impressions here so take your measurement comments elsewhere. Thanks.
What a bunch of drama kings......he he.   All these words and nothing said.  I suggest soix delete the thread and start another one with the same tile in a few weeks......maybe by then someone will have actually heard the amp and have something REAL to say.
cleeds3,884 posts07-08-2021 11:57amdoogiehowser
I would be careful about what groups I am disparaging.
What does that mean? Is that a threat?
@cleeds : it's our old friend --- he is back. Audio2Design, AtDavid, DanNad, etc. etc. Another fake account
Yeah, agreed (BTW Ric, still have your wonderful original Millennium DAC). Back before I had enough experience with various gear to know how to listen, what to listen for, and my own tastes/biases I used to overweight the importance of measurements too. I thought my original post as written would dissuade the lesser noob numbers crowd from polluting the discussion, but they’re a pervasive lot and obviously tough to shake. Oh well, maybe a topic for another day.

While we’re here though Ric, any general thoughts on GaN vs. Purify amps at this stage? My guess is, as with Class A vs. A/B amps (and pretty much everything in audio), there are trade offs and overall implementation matters as much or more than anything else, but I’d be interested in your thoughts and maybe which may have more potential for whatever reason(s). I know you’ve got some interesting mods for the VTV amps that are also high on my radar, which is actually one of the reasons I started this thread in the first place. Maybe we can salvage something useful outta this thing after all. 🤞
As I say over and over again.....EVERYTHING makes a difference. All implementations of the Purifi modules (stock or modified) will sound different. Every GaN based amp will sound different. The only way to know anything about sound is to A/B. The baby modded Purifi and the modded IceEdge are great sounding amps that can be listened to for years......but are they as good as this inexpensive GaN amp.....without or with mods? NO ONE knows (yet). Then there are the new GaN amps coming from LSA, Wyred for Sound and Orchard (all around $3K....and some of these might be moddable for even better sound).....then there are the already available $1500 mono blocks GAN amps from Orchard.....then there will be more.....and more and more and more and more and more and more.....forevermore...he he. This is why I tell people not to spend a lot of money now as this GaN thing is just starting. Class D will slowly take over the whole audio game. The potential is great.

Is GaN just a new buzzword or does it really help the sound? It makes sense that it would improve the sound.....but everything has to be done correctly. And there is no amp on the planet that has everything done to the nth degree........none. Bruno thinks that GaNs are not needed. Is he correct? Has he actually tested GaNs and A/Bed with Mosfets (both circuits tweaked to the max, of course)? I doubt it.

If Bruno put GaNs in the Purifi, then we would know exactly what GaNs bring to the table.  The best implementation of the Purifi will never happen.....same with GaN based amps.  For those that don't know, GaN is just a faster version of a mosfet.  It is the output device in a class D amp. What is the "best" implementation of a class A/B amp?  It does not ever changing and evolving reference (just like our soul).  No end to audio.

You have to do everything to the nth degree and most engineers don't have all the marbles....all are playing with limitations.  The game is ever changing.....enjoy the ride. Essence is always the same.....and everyone’s essence is Love and Joy. Blessings to all.
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