Anyone hear the Class D Audio Mini GaN 5 amp yet?

Looks intriguing but not much out there on it yet so wondering if anyone here has had a chance to hear it or, even better, had a chance to compare it to other amps. Thinking of taking a flier on this amp given the tech and price, but we all know implementation is everything so looking for some real-world impressions before ponying up any dough. Also, please let’s not make this yet another measurement debate — I’m purely interested in sonic impressions here so take your measurement comments elsewhere. Thanks.
@cleeds : it’s our old friend --- he is back. Audio2Design, AtDavid, DanNad, etc. etc. Another fake account
Thanks, @thyname. It looks like you’re correct! The guy has a problem.
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When it comes to a straight wire with gain there is an end. It is the point where you can no longer tell the difference when there is an improvement. It is hard to swallow for audiophiles but we are effectively there.
Rrrriiiiiiight.  Anyway...thanks for your thoughts Ric.  Makes sense. 
If Bruno put GaNs in the Purifi, then we would know exactly whatGaNs bring to the table.
THAT is exactly what I was wondering/hoping for.  Seems a little unlikely near term given your take on Bruno’s thoughts on GaNs, but guess we’ll just have to wait and see how that plays out.  Should be interesting to say the least.

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Wow, what a bunch of crap, all this "sounds better" subjective bs. There is no arguing subjective valuations of quality-it's all personal opinion, and there is no right or wrong, no better or best. If you want to debate amps or anything else on their merits, the only metric that means anything concrete is objective performance. Bruno has told me he has looked at GaN devices and hasn't found any reason to use them. His purifi amps already perform as close to a wire with gain as one can find. The fact that people are implementing tube buffers, etc., speaks to the fact that everyone has their own personal preferences. What's the best flavor of ice cream? Who is the most beautiful woman? All that matters is what YOU like, and all this wasted time and debate trying to find some consensus is a lot of noise about nothing. The only way to know if you will like something is to try it for yourself- the opinions of others are meaningless.