Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?
Really. Look, rather than spending ridiculous money on an intrinsically dubious item, invest that money in top quality active speakers. Then run any decent professional quality balanced cables to those speakers. I promise you that you’ll never look back. For several reasons, modern active speakers almost always give one significantly more "bang for the buck." Part of that is because they require significantly less gear (no amp or fancy speaker cables) as well as much less fiddling and fooling around. Then spend the time and money you save enjoying the music. Or is that not what this is all about?
If you believe you hear it, fine.
But don't lay your alleged superiority on all the rest of us.

Different sounding isn't always the same as better sounding, or more detailed, or... etc. Expectation bias expecting differences doesn't guarantee superiority, it just means not the same as what it's replacing.
Don't waste money. Get decent quality cables and play your tunes. Blue Jeans Cable is economical and very good quality for us mere mortals.