What speaker has the best tweeter?

I love the AMT tweeters in my speakers. They are definitely different from other tweeters I have heard. I enjoy their openness and air. But there are qualities of other tweeters that excel in other ways. Some v pricy speakers use beryllium or diamond or diamond coated beryllium. I see that the price of, Seas I think, diamond tweeter is like $6K a pair. Then ribbons offer used. Not to mention plasma, etc.
The tweeters on the Yamaha NS5000 are excellent. The beauty of that speaker is that the midrange and massive woofer are also made from the same material as the tweeter. No one else does that. 
Seas T35 exotic are pretty good value for money.
It’s ALL about the design and the crossover, using the right tweeter in a given design.
Matching drivers, using their strengths and relying on crossover points to diminish the limitations in a process of matching them together to form a cohesive voicing of a speaker - that’s art!

rixthetrick649 posts07-11-2021 8:09amSeas T35 exotic are pretty good value for money.

Would be great if we can have someone purchase both the Exotic and the Cresendo for a  shootout.
Exotic 94db, /old technology
Cresendo 92db/new technology
My bet is on the Cresendo, 
I think Troels mentions the Exotic somewhere on his pages, and says something to the effect that he found another  tweeter for alot less money,  (Not Seas) , that matched the Exotic,  thus making the Exotic not anything special.  
Cresendo and Exotic both priced the same. 


Troels mentions in brief the Exotic here as **too expesnive** somewhere else he mentions the Audax performs just as well, for alot less.
Not sure which Audax he is refering tl,
Now ck out the Seas T35002,
Not sure how i missed that one.
Thats super high sens, vs Cresendo’s 92.5
I’d go T35002 over the Cresendo for the added 2.5 sens gain.
+ $100 less per tweet.

Looking over the graph/specs
I'd have to go T35002 over the Cresendo
T35002 goes down to 1500, = better xover pt for midwoofers  vs Cresendo's 2khz bottom(but has a  bit more extended high)
Cresendo voice coil 26mm
T35002's 35mm voice coil. 

***6 of one half dozen the other***
Synergy is part of what we hear when we’re listening, obviously and memory is unreliable they say so with that out of the way and no particular order. Salon2 tweeter, usher dmd gets another vote, se upgrade meridian comes from Norway, the persona is up there and there’s a really good vifa in the VA Beethoven, my current favorite, drum roll.uniq in the blade. I can only vot for the ones I’ve heard