Channel D Lino C vs. Sutherland Little Loco

Did anybody have chance to compare above two phono stages?
Ag insider logo xs@2xilaz
@saburo Thank you for your cartridge recommendations. ZYX U Optimum is a bit out of my range. When I had the Ultimate 100, the ZYX dealer recommended a Ultimate Omega as the next jump in SQ. The Benz Ebony TR is new to me.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you have owned both a early Lino and a BMC MCCI and you feel the BMC to be a step above? Would you elaborate?

@chakster Many thanks for you detailed reply. I have completely misrepresented, and severely underestimated your extensive collections of MM and MC. The MC list you posted will be a guide to me. Though I am curious, there are a few in the list, EMT in particular, with internal impedance in the teens, I think there is another in the twenty’s range. They work with the 47 Labs unit? 
@chakster Many thanks for you detailed reply. I have completely misrepresented, and severely underestimated your extensive collections of MM and MC. The MC list you posted will be a guide to me. Though I am curious, there are a few in the list, EMT in particular, with internal impedance in the teens, I think there is another in the twenty’s range. They work with the 47 Labs unit?

Since it was recommended for low impedance cartridge I use it only with low impedance cartridges (under 5 Ohm) and it's excellent. At the moment my FR-7f cartridge (on FR-66fx tonearm) connected to 47 Labs Phono Cube and the sound is wonderful. 

I use genuine 47 Labs Phono Cube with Power Humpty. Not interested in clones of whatever products in audio, in case with 47 Labs products I really like the aesthetics, those units are state of the art design in my opinion. Someone posted a links to high quality pictures of the 47Labs PhonoCube and PowerHumpty. Beautiful gear!

Regarding the clone (and its circuit) read this
Saburo, thank you for your comments on the 47 Labs, BMC, and Lino current driven phono stages. Can we assume your opinions of one vs the others are based on listening to each on your own system? After doing my homework I had concluded that the BMC was my preference among all available options, based on hearsay and theory only. I was stymied with respect to an actual purchase by cost and lack of passion. Subsequently Dave Slagle of Intact Audio and Emia built me a kind of current driven pre-preamplifier to plug into the MM section of my Manley Steelhead so I could enjoy perhaps the lowest output low impedance cartridge ever made, the Ortofon MC 2000. It works very well.
I forgot to add a link to picture gallery of 47 Labs Phono Cube and Power Humpty.
There is also cheaper version called Shigaraki 4718 (on top of the expensive 4712 here, not sure why there are coaxial "in", it must be RCA).

This is phonocube with one power humpty (on the right), but user can add another power humpty for one phonocube (optional upgrade).
Chakster.  4712 is no longer for sale.  Not too hard to find on the second-hand market, if one is patient.  Not cheap either, once you add Humpties.