@oldaudiophile thanks again for sharing your cleaning system. Regarding the F208, the dealer used a Teac preamp nt500b with a jeff rowlands 625 s2... No idea, probably just bad sinergy, more likely the speakers needed more hours for breaking in... They sounded really compressed and with no emotion. Also the bass that was supposed to be the Revel's strenght was muddy and slow. Anyway, I was curious the hear the Revels, but after the inputs I'm receiving on this thread, I will update my list considering just high efficiency speakers. At the moment CW IV that I still have to audition in august, the Focal Kanta (at 91db is still decent) and Volti. Still hope to get on this thread some more feedbacks related to Volti Rivals'. Can't demo them, but I have like the sensation that Greg does unbelievable speakers. And in a couple of months he's going to introduce the new Rivals'!