Analog Upgrade - Where to start?

I am looking to upgrade my LP playback system.  My current system is a mixed bag of new and old: SME 20/2 turntable (from about 2005), Kuzma 4 point nine Tonearm and the SME Series V Tonearm, Dynavector MC DRT XV-1s (retipped by Soundsmith), PS Audio Stellar phono pre.  I am looking to introduce more dynamic sound, detail (without edge) and musicality.  The rest of my system supports this end.  Any suggestions on where might be the best place to start the upgrade?
The OP has now informed on the other Ancillaries used on the System.
The Silent Source Interconnects and Audioquest Power Cables might be having an impact on the Sound Quality within the Vinyl Chain.
As they are not being identified with by any of the follow up Posts, it is difficult to determine how they are being rated when used within another System. 
These Cable Brands are looking to be carrying a Fairly High asking price.
The Interconnects appear to be a design based on Cryo Treated Solid Core Silver Wire.
The Construction of the Silver Wire is not identified.
The Power Cables are referring to a Grain Structure within a Wire but does not identify the Construction Method of the Wire.

I would assume if the Cables I have looked into are the same as the Ones in use with the OP, it will be a difficult option for them to consider an alternative.

To help put my post into context, I have for a long period used a
OCC Pure Silver Wire 5 Pin DIN Phono Cable.

I heard this owned cable in a Comparison Demonstrations along with other 5 Pin DIN Phono Cables that were a Selection of Cables on Trial by the owner of the SME 20/2 turntable and the SME Series V Tonearm, Transifiguration ?? MC. The Selection of Cables added up to Multiple Thousands of £££££'s.
With the Most expensive Individual Phono Cable approaching the + side of £1500.
My Cable was not the Worst on this Day, nor did I hear anything to encourage a Change, so I maintained my interest in it.

Just recently after a change of Phono Cable to a Modern Wire Design.
The OCC Silver Phono Cable was superseded.
Dear @edgewear : Certainly I agree in almost all your post and I clarify again that every single link in the system chain is important and speaking of analog the phono stage is the first critical system link after the source/cartridge.

Look, you can read several reviews ( all positive and different systems. ) in the net where you can read that the stellar was mated with top cartridges as Transfiguration Proteus, Anna diamond, Lyra Atlas and even the venerable DL 103.

In one of that reviews Fremer started with this:

""  to hear how a $2500 phono preamp would perform when driven by a $200,000 front end, itself driving a bigger rig than would most likely be used by most Stellar purchasers.  ""

Continuum Caliburn TT and SAT tonearm and compared against 3 other " monsters "/$$$ big names phono stages where he does not noted any problem when the Stellar was connected to line preamps. He used too the VPI HW-40 TT and the Airforce One Premium Not kidding here.

Read this:

""  The midrange on this phono preamp is as open, uncongested, transparent, and revealing as that of any phono preamp I've heard at any price.  ""

Fremer is very enthusiast with the big names but not with items coming from very humble manufacturers as PS Audio.

He continue:

""  How's that for a "pull quote"? But it's true, not hyperbole, and I stand by it. In the midrange department, the Stellar Phono is the darTZeel of phono preamplifiers. Considering the price differential, that's saying a lot! ""

and followed with something that was a big surprise for him and for any one:

""  Because of its openness, transparency, and freedom from midband congestion, the Stellar did tell me some things I didn't already know, on many recordings. Small, subtle-though-significant things that surprised me.""

I know that synergy in between link system chain is way important but here the Stellar is an accurated and " neutral " phono stage with all characteristics to worry if makes synergy with the Reference 6 or any other line stage. If exist no synergy then change your line stage not the Stellar .

Btw, yes the Colibri is exactly as you said: temperamental and demands to be mated with first rate items in the audio chain and when you have this as the OP it's only dependent of the Colibri owner skills to make the precise cartridge set up and alignment.

@chilli42 does not mentioned that he has two REL subwoofers in his system.


Dear @rauliruegas, you have a strong positive opinion about the Stellar, which I assume is based on personal experience? I don’t know about you, but I have learned not to trust reviewers at face value. But reading between the lines of these reviews the Stellar appears to be something special, I’ll give ’em that. I haven’t heard it myself, so don’t have an opinion. I only suggested that lack of synergy with the line stage might be a possible reason for the OP’s discontent. Which is why it would be interesting to learn what phono amp it replaced.
Do you listened the XV-1t against today top cartridges in a good room/system?

I did and have first hand experiences as I posted about and this is the real issue here.

THE CARTRIDGE IS THE SOURCE and I can see that you don’t get it yet and maybe you don’t know how performs the OP 1t cartridge.

Forgeret about the phono stage and read what I said about transducers : HAVE THE DOMINANT/LEADER ROLES in any audio system. Period.


Btw, the measurements in the Stellar unit confirm its very high quality design, these measurements are fact and please don’t tell me thattoday measurements don’t tell nothing of the item overall performance because if you still think in that way then I can tell you that have a today misunderstood. Measurements confirm too the quality design levelof the Reference 6 that for a tube unit is really good.
@rauliruegas you really don't have to SHOUT, I'm well aware the cartridge is the source. I have over 30 of them. But system synergy involves more than simply choosing the 'best' cartridge you can afford.

If the OP is convinced by your suggestions he will be replacing a Dynavector XV-1S - still a current model that retails for 5k - by a Colibri or other high level MC, probably costing >5k. I really hope this will get him what he's looking for, but I wouldn't bet on it.