A full range speaker?

Many claim to be, but how many can handle a full orchestra’s range?

That range is from 26hz to around 12khz including harmonics, but the speakers that can go that low are few and far between. That is a shame, since the grand piano, one of the center points of many orchestral and symphonic performances, needs that lower range to produce a low A fully, however little that key is used.

I used to think it was 32hz, which would handle a Hammond B-3’s full keyboard, so cover most of the musical instruments range, but since having subs have realized how much I am missing without those going down to 25hz with no db’s down.

What would you set as the lower limit of music reproduction for a speaker to be called full range?

 I’m asking you to consider that point where that measurement is -0db’s, which is always different from published spec's.
no driver moves anywhere near the distances you describe in generating that, so I think you mean distance time delay, and not pressure level peaks.

Good one. https://youtu.be/zt_HteJLY3A?t=73
Vandersteen Quatro Wood at 24dB within 2dB

Vandersteen's have that incredible low/deep bass, but at the expense of the muddy(distorted)  300hz-ish -1khz- ish range. 
the musicians fingers sliding up and down the strings while playing it

I can hear some of this in my 
DavidLouis 4 incher   wide band at 91db.
I am sure the new higher sens wide band even notable.  Due to higher sensitivity. . 
Schnittke Cello concertos/sonatas BIS and Chnados. as Reference cds.
Wide bands  voice music in a magical way.  
 not a speaker in vitro

This is  my expectations of how the wide band will respond. Speaker disappears, only music floating through the air. 
You and the music unite as one  being/experience, Like on LSD or something. = Surreal. 
I just wonder what people find acceptable, since I know many people have very expensive, to me, systems that can barely manage 40hz, -0db down.

Money might be able to buy the 20hz-40hz, 
but at what cost?
Lets say a  audiophile figures out how to get the elusive 20hz-40hz.
Say witha  $500-$1000 (EACH!!!)Scanspeak woofer 
But how is the 300hz-1khz range? 
A bit muddy?
Well thats the tradeoff, Now he has the Golden 20hz-40hz, but he has to live with the muddy 300hz-1khz , AND!!! can the Scanspeak go above the 1500hz to meet the  tweeter?? Or cuts off at 1khz??
There are headaches trying to acheive the 20hz-40hz. 
I strongly suggest, just completely forget the 20hz-40hz. 
Ain't worth the trouble.
My dual W`18's **only*** go to 40hz, but with duals, you get the gut feeling of a  20hz punch. 
Troel's gave me this insight in his MMT designs. = Dual midwoofers going to 40hz, sounda  much solid punch that a single woofer going to 20hz.