A full range speaker?

Many claim to be, but how many can handle a full orchestra’s range?

That range is from 26hz to around 12khz including harmonics, but the speakers that can go that low are few and far between. That is a shame, since the grand piano, one of the center points of many orchestral and symphonic performances, needs that lower range to produce a low A fully, however little that key is used.

I used to think it was 32hz, which would handle a Hammond B-3’s full keyboard, so cover most of the musical instruments range, but since having subs have realized how much I am missing without those going down to 25hz with no db’s down.

What would you set as the lower limit of music reproduction for a speaker to be called full range?

 I’m asking you to consider that point where that measurement is -0db’s, which is always different from published spec's.
@douglas_schroeder @millercarbon

I agree with your brief assessment, as well as Miller Carbon's most recent comment, as I think they are parts of the generalized conclusion we can draw that is: We don’t just hear with our ears, we hear with our bodies. Remember Bone Phones? 

I wasn't really aware of that on the upper range, until this post and responses; how else can we explain the effect that truly full range sound reproduction is obvious, and yet inexplicable? I can’t hear much past 12khz anymore, but there must be something I am getting from that range because when I limit a speakers output to that frequency I can't hear it, but I feel there is something wrong.

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Professional active  main monitors using DSP.  Genelec the Ones 8351b or 8361a paired with W371A'S is one solution. 
Your in room response is what matters not the anechoic. Revel Salon 2 are
close-mic down 4db at 20hz but UP 3db at 20hz in room response.

The JTR Noesis 215RT is another passive that can do full range. You don’t want flat down or below 20hz it sounds like crap unless you like exaggerated boomy bass in music or have a dead room without boundary reinforcement.