Movie SQ - Apple tv+ vs Smart TV (lg) Aps. Preference?

Have a smart tv and wondered about connection sound quality.
Seems LG smart tv aps for HBO Max and Netflix sounds differnet and may be better vs what comes out of apple tv box when connected to ethernet and fed to a processor.

why are there sound differences?  Hate using smart tv aps as connectivity via CEC is horrible.  Once connected its fine but switching back to tv channels is a challenge.

I have not used the CEC/ARC method to get audio from TV.  It's my opinion that a good source device will always have better audio.

That being said, the AppleTV uses a tiny switching power supply that is built into the AppleTV unit itself.  The power cord is really just a normal A/C power cord with a different plug on the AppleTV side.

If you really want excellent audio/video from a Netflix streaming, I would recommend getting a Roku Ultra streamer and then buy a nice linear power supply to replace that switching "wall-wart" power adapter.  The current Roku Ultra uses a special size 4.75mm x 1.7mm DC plug, so you would have to ask the linear power supply company for a custom cable (such as Teddy Pardo or Farad or Teradak).  Even a cheap china Teradak power supply would give you excellent results.
Sad apple tv 4k box does a crappy job with power which likely hurts sq abit. Video quality is fine, i think.
Video quality is generally pretty good with these streamers when using the stock switching power adapters (i.e. Amazon Fire TV, Roku, AppleTV).  However, you would be amazed on how much better the video quality is with a linear power supply.  I tested this side-by-side watching the same move streamed from Amazon services.  I used the current model Amazon FireTV Cube, which was good.  However, when compared to a Tivo unit with a Teradak linear power supply doing the Amazon streaming app, the Tivo just blew away the FireTV in video quality (as well as audio quality).  The video picture was just so much cleaner and more solid and colors were more saturated.  There was an element of video noise with the FireTV and wall-wart power adapter.  Obviously, audio quality (over HDMI) was significantly better.  Audio did not have the harshness/brightness of the FireTV and sounded much more natural.