Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on

Seems to me you've made out like this AGD Class-D amp has only just now made you a D class convert in a big big way. 🙄

Just looked at your posting history, you've been very active in the positive on these AGD Class-D amp now since March. (makes one wonder why you did not state this 🤷‍♂️)

Then, you have been recruited recently as a fuser, maybe that's what you really heard?😉

Cheers George

I know exactly where your coming from, i thought the same about Class D for over a decade listening to the so called latest and greatest.

Like you the AGD's changed what i had thought of Class D in the most positive way. My music has never sounded better.

PS, ignore the person from the funny paper.

And now the ring leader, who thinks these AGD's can drive Wilson Alexia’s 0.9ohm bass loading so they can give their very best.🤦‍♂️
You do these drive by posts and really have nothing to add from first hand experience you form opinion from others opinions. Your stuck in the 80's and have not moved past. You really need to spend time listening to music instead of forums.

I also do not own Wilson Alexia's so who cares. 

Your posts are quite comical and show little value, just more BS to get past.
I also do not own Wilson Alexia’s so who cares.
It was you that inferred it could drive the them to their best. You are the one that’s comical and preaching BS not me. If your going to shill something get your facts right