Audiophile quality fuse holders

There has been multiple discussion on audiophile fuses, but I was wondering if there are any “audiophile quality” fuse holder available. I see tons of quality IEC plugs, quality RCA, etc. etc. advertised but I haven't come across anything on fuse holders themselves. I'm pretty sure there is lots of potential for improvement over the cheap plasticky ones available from electronic stores. Has anybody looked into this before?

Ps. Would the members of the deaf audiophile society be so kind as to refrain from telling us why we wouldn't be able to hear a difference? Thank you in advance.

No i don’t think it’s a waste of time Black Supreme needs a break in period of 60 hours or more, and try reversing to fuse after it burns in, I’m thinking moving up to Synergistic Research Orange Fuse slow blow 12.5 replacing the HiFi Tuning Black Supreme.
I still wonder Synergistic Research hasn't come out with a Quantum tunneled breaker.

They did. I have one. It is right here in my breaker... no, wait, listening room... no, wait.... dang Quantum tunnel, now when did I put that thing....?