Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line

I was looking at the Sopra 2 ,thinking about buying it ,it is a very good speaker it has not changed 
in 5 years thst I can see ,but the price has increased $4,000. Thst sounds like gouging to me ,
from $15 k to $19 k  if thatis thecase  the Wilson Sophia2 is a better speaker for the same price 
as well as night and day better resale value .
Market is the market.
If you don't want to buy them, don't buy them.
Don't complain of gouging, there is no such thing.
No manufacturer will price himself out of the market.  Clearly there are sufficient customers at this price level.
OP presumably doesn't value this product as highly as the market does.

Of course if you really want to shoot yourself in both feet you can buy Moabs much more cheaply.
1-  Because they can.
2-  It is cheaper than building a new factory and advertising the product.
I will have to see my options , maybe a open baffle like the 
spatial audio X3 or x5 it does everything well  with vh audio Odam capacitor 
upgrades better still. ?   Maybe the used market. The Wilson Sabrina X  are a exceptional  upgrade in trickle down technologies 
but these dealers suck , no discounts, and sales tax 
I will never pay sales tax ,and always get 15-20% off , 
as an ex dealer  I just can’t  do it otherwise .
@mesonto thanks for setting the record straight. 
@audioman58 its because they make a good product and the market allows for it. No amount of whining is going to change it.  You’ve dredged up Focal threads from 5 years ago. Reminds me of a dude who won’t stop talking about an ex.  It’s desperate and sad all at once.  Move on.  
I am just speaking my piece ,if people don’t like it that’s on them .
I just personally wanted to see if the product was upgraded over the last 5 years, since it has not time to move on .
I am just going to buy the New Wilson Sabrina X it is loaded with 
excellent trickle down technology ,and overall a more cohesive loudspeaker. I have heard them both .the only reason I was considering the Sopra is because their resale value was not That good vs Wilson and Wilson don’t discount much if any ,that’s the only down side.