
What is a good power conditioner that I can use without breaking the bank? Also, what is a good AC power cable I can use for that, plus the Schiit Vidar power amp that isn't super expensive? I am currently using the stock cable for the amp. Thank You!

when I see a dealer trash a manufacturers product (Furman), my brain says to stay away from that dealer.  Do you have an axe to grind with Furman?
Troy should not be allowed to post anything — it’s always a hot mess. At least Steve is coherent if still heavily biased and self serving.
I agree with MC. If you can do a home run or two I would do that. +1 on the Decware. This is a buy once cry once. Later if you still want the power conditioner get the Puritan PSM136 for $1600 and it comes with a great power cord. I own a Puritan and think it is worth its weight in gold.