Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
From the Wilson website page for the Alexia 2:

Measurements Sensitivity 89 dB @ 1 watt @ 1 meter @ 1 kHz Nominal Impedance 4 ohms / minimum 2.54 ohms @ 85 Hz Minimum Amplifier Power 20 watts per channel Frequency Response 19 Hz – 32 kHz +/- 3 dB Room Average Response [RAR]

We can see that Wilson does not think this speaker hard to drive with a 20 watt minimum. Because the AGD has such a low output impedance I think it should be able to drive this speaker quite well, depending on the power of the amplifier and the size of the room. If you have a larger room all you would need is more power.

So I guess I’m refuting the idea that a class D can’t handle this speaker (any more or less than any other class AB amp of the same power might). I really don’t see what the problem is.

I spoke to Jerron that works at Wilson (for the last 20 years) and he is in complete agreement. He says the older Alexia was a bit harder to drive but the class D amps handled it no worries at all.
So I'm going with a 'furphy' on this one.

I’m refuting the idea that a class D can’t handle this speaker

Ralph, don’t skew things around "to seem" to suit your next product.
I did not say "won’t handle", I said will not get "the best" out of the Alexia’s bass because of it loading.
We have the Alexia’s here in front of us and know what they like to get the best out of them in the bass, and it’s not Class-D yet. (Maybe in the future when they can come close to doubling from 8ohm to 4ohm to 2ohm wattages like big better linear amps can)

Keep going like this and it will look like your shilling again, because of your yet to be released GaN Class-D
Shows you do not know what your talking about, look at the AGD spec's. And the only Wilson speakers i own are the 5.1's and XLF's  and not the Alexia.

So from your posts you have the AGD's powering the Alexia? Otherwise your blowing hot air and you only have opinion.
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