Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 
Also a Fidelium user. Best I have ever used and not looking for anything new now.

I read the responses to make sure I wasn't going to duplicate any ones thoughts and had something new to offer.  Every piece of wire will sound different in every high resolution system before we get to individual subject evaluation and personal tastes.  The only best is the best for you that fits your budget.  You can't blindly just go buying cables to try...  you must test on loan or library loan basis.  Last I looked the lending library section of the Cable Company allowed you to loan cables for demo for a slight fee that goes towards future purchases.  When I was working on that leg if my system many years ago I did demo loans of 8 different brands of cables for speakers.  My criteria at the time, and it was 25+ years ago, was under $1,000 for an 8 foot pair.  My base pair was 10 ga OFC multi-strand Monster silver soldered to spades.   After all of that testing and mailing cables back ans forth a friend loaned me a pair he had moved on from and as soon as I turned te music on a wood stick hit cymbal and the shimmer was all that and nmore. Everything that was metal from cymbals to trumpets, sax, etc., and more just cane alive, bass tightened up and details jumped out.  I still use that brand of speaker cable today except it's 6 foot pairs and bi-wired, bi-amped.  You have to cable roll just like folks tube roll, and the same for interconnects and digital wire..  and power cords.  Put in the work and you will get the sound.
@millercarbon ... said perfectly above.

In my experience, foils get you to 80% by their nature alone. The deep mods, innovations, techniques get you the rest of the way.
@kozka  " there is so much one can discuss re audio....acoustics, mastering of recordings, preamps etc....but those cables seem like a stubborn floater that wont sink "
 AMEN to that. Stubborn floater LOL! Active crossovers, DSP, real time room correction with REW and a UMIKe, taming the bad HZ that is in every driver with DSP. Your music files and Audacity. High def drivers for your PC sound card if you go that route like I do. Room treatments and measuring to see what works. Balancing gain between drivers left to right and matching the higher DB efficiency of tweeters and mids to lower efficiency woofers without the limits passive crossovers impose. My right ear does not hear as good as the left one so for my personal music enjoyment I have one setting in the Xilica with right gain up a bit and another for the same set of speakers balanced with the assumption visitors ears are better than mine.

 The people who obsess over wire are mostly clueless about really tuning and improving WHAT THEY HAVE to it's best potential. Or they are selling wire.
  The fact that there are not more serious technical articles here though is the fault of Audiogon. You can't post pictures of driver curves nor improvements you did and how you did them. Linking to other sites for your technical evidence or info, at least in my case, leads me to visit THAT site for answers both then and in the future. Audiogon is mostly for entertainment quite frankly and that it delivers in spades. I miss Geoff's space alien telepathic fix precious pebbles stuff though.