Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?
but now that you mention it, the Kirby beater bar is belt drive with measurable wow and flutter…..shag makes it worse….
Ah!When the master of the Universe Millercarbon stops to critique my comment, I know I am onto something. "...you have concluded you not only know more than much more experienced listeners, you know enough to conclude they need therapy. Impressive. ..."Nowhere did I conclude that I know "much more"...but what the hell is an "experienced" listener?Is that someone who has the disposal income to go through an extensive and expensive trial and error evaluation?Is it someone who, like the Corvette driver I alluded to, has bought into all the Corvette marketing and feels bigger and better and smarter and richer and freer and...etc., than the Camry driver.It is copper, that is affected by resistance and inductance and capacitance in ways that may affect the end sound insofar as it may sound better or worse or the same.
All of the rest is simply marketing, trying to pry the extra bucks out of an "experienced listener" and stroke his ego.
If you want to spend your life and your money arguing to justify what goes into your ears as a result, Hey, this is still pretty much America.But do not hold yourself out as the expert as to what goes into my ears,Mr. Experienced Listener" aka "millercarbon".

That’s Troll Master of the Universe. If you’re gonna insult, get it right.
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... I could measure and duplicate the sound of any speaker cable or interconnect currently being marketed as a good sounding wire.

I do wonder why no one has done this.

Perhaps others have tried and found it is not as easy as you suggest. What is stopping you from undertaking such a simple task?

cleeds, You should reread my post. No where did I say this would be “simple” or “easy,” I rather think an undertaking like this would be complex, costly, and time consuming.

And were I an interconnect manufacturer already successfully selling expensive cables, why would I bother? Many scientific breakthroughs/innovations come from small start ups headed by independent thinkers who would find no support for their ideas  in established companies.