Isolation platform under US 500 for CDP

I am looking for a isolation platform under US 500 for use with my CDP. My shortlist includes the followings:

- Silent Running Audio Tremor/less
- Townshend 3D Seismic Sink
- Neuance isolation platform

Are there others that I should also consider? What would be your recommendation?
I had all this junk: Symposium, Rosisante, Bright Star, Mapleshade, Osiris with all the different balls thingies:
Daruma, Symposium, Aurios, Black Diamonds...
Get a Neuance shelf,use the feet on your player and buy some music with the 300 bucks...))
SRA Period. I've used most all of the ones already listed at one time or another. SRA beat them all as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks guy for the input. The Neuance seems a highly cost effective bet but I would also consider SRA. I have read in these columns that SRA is having a new Squared series which unlike the VR is not component specific design. I would be more interested in this Squared series or the budget Tremor/Less rather than their component specific VR series, as I may get a new CDP down the road.
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