Movie Stars that can handle musical instrument well

Here's my list:

Clint Eastwood -- piano
Antonio Banderas -- guitar
Steven Segal -- guitar
Russel Crowe plays smallest part in "his" band, because it's mostly pro musicians that you can give credit to, but definitely-most-definitely you can't give him credit neither for singing or playing 2...3 chords on guitar.
Not enough to be “triple threats” (act/sing/dance) in show business, they were pretty good instrumentalists as well:

And, of course, an Academy award nomination for “Best Actor” makes one a movie star by any standard. He was inarguably a star as an instrumentalist. Some might even argue, the best tenor saxophone player of all time:

Taking the twist on the OP a bit further, star instrumentalists who could handle a little acting:

It's an old trick to include famous actor for better commercial success. Johnny Depp plays scored few notes on the guitar pretty clean, but still think it's more for commercial success than for the benefit of the gig.