I had tickets to see Elton John here in Knoxville, but it was canceled due to Covid . It is rescheduled for APR 8TH 2022, but I got a refund instead.
I was so mad the day that I bought the tickets,. I went to the website to get them, picked them out . they were on the floor about 16 rows from the stage in the center. I went to complete my purchase , it asked me to login, and I could not login. It kept saying wrong password . I clicked on the link to reset password and found out that I used my work email when I registered, several years prior.
It was sending me an email to reset my password to my work email, which I could not access from home. Work is 21miles from Home.
I tried to setup as a new user . It kept saying we already have a user with that name and address, so I used the wife’s name , but before I could get this all setup ,THE HOLD on the Tickets Expired!!!!!!!!!!
When I was finally able to get logged in the only thing available was upper balcony. I bought them anyway, BUT was Totally PISSED about the whole ORDEAL !!!
My own stupid fault