Spring-Loaded Screw Turns Drywall Into Sound-Absorbing Panels

This looks promising for a 9db reduction in sound escape in homes.

Apparently the spring loaded screw acts as a dampener of sound vibrations that hit a regular dry-wall.In principle, the screw is split in the middle with a spring placed inside. The screw tip goes into the wooden joist, the head holds the plasterboard in place and in between a thin resilient mechanical coupling that prevents the sound waves from advancing is formed.

They have patents and are looking for mass production.https://www.akoustos.se/

Iā€™d certainly consider it for renovations and new builds.
Mho...I don't think any inspector worth his creds would sign off on those sprung screws in new construction...šŸ˜’Ā  Flame spread could be one call; unsecured attachment another...
The spring looks to be the same diameter as the 'exposed finished face collar' which would allow the panels to loosen over time. Surprising any trade with something they're not familiar with tends to get the worker(s) pulled and change orders made.
And the 'mud & tape' crew would hate everything about it.Ā  The seam tape mud would tend to crack when finish sanding them...
...not to mention having to potentially mud the entire wall to cover all the exposed heads of the screws, which can add to their time/bid figures going into the round file and profit out the window.
Then the painters come in to coat the room....and attempt to make the install look proper.Ā  If any of the previous hits their ears, they'll spray the space and call it a day.

Better: a wall constructed to 'unlock' exterior from interior, with wider footings and upper plates employing offset studs of a narrower width.
Doubles the studs, but works not only for sounds, but for your R values as well...fill the void with rock wool and close up per Typical.

In a reno, spend $ on room treatments...better bang/buck ratio.

Unless you're already an architect with access to a acoustician...then, we're talking commercial, and none of the above will apply.

Just be firmly seated when the bids come in.... ;)

Have an exciting, fun-stuffed weak, J