Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!

Hi all,

Yesterday, I decided to conduct a very interesting experience using my amp and preamp combinations. In the interest of fair discussion and also avoiding brand war, please allow me to conceal the name of the amps and preamps, knowing that both amps and preamps came from the same manufactures. The combinations are as below: 

Combination 1 (C1): $3000 preamp + $1000 amp
Combination 2 (C2): $1000 preamp + $3000 amp.

I went back and forth between C1 and C2 several times with multiple people, using the same speakers and DAC. The volume of both C1 and C2 was adjusted to be equal using my Db meter. 
At the end of the experience, almost everyone including me prefers C1. Which is a higher-end preamp combined with the lower-end amp. 
I was surprised by that finding. I always thought that the amp has a greater impact to sound quality, but my experiment proved otherwise. If you have any similar experiences, please let me know. I would like to understand why it happens that way. Why the preamp has a greater impact on the overall sound quality comparing to the amp?
I have enjoyed reading this post that was deemed irrelevant by some.  The debate goes on...
I have much enjoyed the reliable performance and clean open sound of my (now 30+years old) Audible Illusions Modulus II, tubed pre amp. Over the years It has been paired with PSE, Bryston, Adcom, Krell and Ayre, SS power amps and with a VAC Phi 200 and Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP, tubed power amps. Even though it revealed subtle differences between each of the power amps, it paired well and sounded very good with all of them. Of all, my favorite combination was with the VAC - a less than $500 pre amp paired with a $11,000 power amp sounded incredible.......Jim
Thank you OP for contributing with your experiment. Blind testing, spl matching, as well as adding other opinions, particularly non-audiophiles, into the test is the best way to really figure things out.

I was also in the pre amp isn't important camp for years until very recently. I've heard enough good systems that have used integrated amps or even gone direct from the source to the amplifier that made me question their value. I'd love to go back to some of those systems today and slip in a tube pre just to see what might happen.  Aside from volume control and input switching, the pre seems to shape the sound.  Tone, soundstage and imaging are greatly influenced by the pre section. With a single component switch, a system can go from sounding somewhat dull and lifeless to realistic and holographic. They can be well worth the investment.   
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can you name names and compare all 4 possible combinations?  

otherwise we have not really learned anything.